Thursday, 27 October 2016

726 - Kids>Up...Others>Down

Difficulty: Deadly
Author: Kheper


Finish at the first Flag - P14 - It's Kids Solution. :-)

Finish at the second Flag A14.

Thank you very much for Amaud for this Solution. :-)

If you have any questions or If you know better solution please write your comment.

1 comment:

  1. I have been suffering for 2 weeks with this level. It is clear that you need to put a block on Q4 - and for this you need to put two more blocks on P3 and N2, but there are not enough blocks on the vertical Q. One block is missing for N2. Who knows how to solve this level #726? It says here on the website that there are already two solutions for this level. But only the solution for kids is given. (up)
